Hypno Birthing Mommy

HypnoBirthing Mommys

Best Hypnobirthing Course Online – Why You Should Take Hypnobirthing Classes

Celebrities from Jessica Alba to Kate Middleton have tried the hypnosis technique to prepare for labor and delivery, ease feelings of fear, and even naturally manage pain. So, hypnosis during birth? Well, yes. It’s a real thing, says Health Line.

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a childbirth method that focuses on using relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to help reduce pain and anxiety during labor and delivery. Moreover, it is based on the belief that fear and tension can contribute to pain during childbirth and that learning to deeply trust and relax in the natural process of birth. Similarly, women can experience a more comfortable and positive birth experience.

When Should You Start Hypnobirthing?

It is recommended to start hypnobirthing classes around the 20th week of pregnancy or in the second trimester. Moreover, this will give you enough time to learn and practice the techniques, so you can feel comfortable and confident using them during labor and delivery.

However, it’s never too late to start learning hypnobirthing techniques. Similarly, even if you’re in the third trimester or close to your due date, you can still benefit from hypnobirthing classes and practice. In fact, some women have reported experiencing positive effects even after just a few sessions.

How does hypnobirthing work?

Hypnobirthing worlds by helping women to relax and manage their pain and anxiety during labor and delivery. Moreover, the techniques used in hypnobirthing help women to release fear and tension, and to trust in their bodies natural ability to give birth.

By practicing relaxation techniques, such as visualization, deep breathing, and self-hypnosis, women can enter a state of deep relaxation and reduce their perception of pain during labor. Moreover, this can help to promote the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving hormones, and reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body.

The benefits of Hypnobirthing

Firstly, by learning relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization, women can reduce their perception of pain and discomfort during childbirth. Similarly, this can also help to reduce the need for pain medication or other medical interventions.

Secondly, hypnobirthing emphasizes the importance of creating a positive birthing environment and working with healthcare providers to create a birth that aligns with the mother’s wishes and values. Moreover, this can help women feel more in control of the birth process and more empowered to make informed decisions.

Thirdly, by learning to release fear and tension, women can approach childbirth with a sense of calm and confidence. Similarly, this can help to reduce anxiety and improve overall emotional well-being during the childbirth experience.

Furthermore, it also emphasizes the importance of involving partners in the birth process and promoting bonding and connection between the mother, baby, and partner. Additionally, this can help to improve the overall experience of childbirth and strengthen the relationship between partners.

Lastly, by reducing the need for medical interventions during childbirth, women may experience faster recovery. And, they will have an easier time adjusting to life with a new baby.

7 Hypnobirthing Techniques to Practice Daily

Deep breathing

You need to practice slow, deep breathing exercises to help you relax and stay calm during labor. So, breathe in deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through your mouth.


Imagine yourself in a peaceful and calm environment, such as the beach or a forest. Moreover, visualize yourself feeling comfortable and at ease during childbirth.


Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, such as “I trust my body to give birth” or “I am calm and relaxed”. Additionally, this can help to shift your mindset and reduce anxiety.


Practice self-hypnosis techniques to help you relax and reduce pain and discomfort during labor. This may involve repeating calming phrases or imagining yourself in a relaxed and comfortable state.

Pelvic floor exercises

Practice pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegels, to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and prepare for childbirth.

Partner massage

Have your partner practice massage techniques on you to help you relax and ease any tension or discomfort.

Listening to calming music

Listen to calming music that you find soothing and comforting. Moreover, this can help to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere during childbirth.

How Can You Practice Hypnobirthing?

Firstly, consider taking a hypnobirthing class from a certified instructor. Moreover, this can provide you with in-person guidance and support, as well as the opportunity to ask questions and connect with other expectant parents. Additionally, that is why we recommend you come to Hypnobirthing Mommy’s.

Furthermore, use guided hypnobirthing meditations. There are many guided hypnobirthing meditations available online or in an audio format that you can use to practice relaxation and visualization techniques.

Thirdly, set aside time each day to practice relaxation techniques. For example, deep breathing, visualization, and self-hypnosis. Furthermore, work with your healthcare provider to develop a birth plan that aligns with your values and wishes. This can help you feel more in control and prepared for childbirth.

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